
Harare is home to a NIH AIDS Clinical Trials Unit that conducts research with NIAID HIV Research networks including the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG), International Maternal Pediatric and Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT), and Microbial Trials Network (MTN). In addition, UZ has a NIAID HIV Clinical Pharmacology Specialty Laboratory. These clinical research networks are led by senior clinical scientists who have been involved in international multicenter trials for the past two decades hence their ability to contribute to the HIV, HBV, HCV, HPV, and other global virology research agendas. A number of NIH funded studies exist including training programs such as e.g., International Clinical, Operational and Health Services Research Training Award for AIDS and TB (ICOHRTA AIDS/TB) as well as the PEPFAR funded Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI).The Antiviral Pharmacology Laboratory was initially funded as a developmental International Pharmacology Specialty Laboratory and in 2015 gained status as an ACTG International Specialty Pharmacology Laboratory. This change in status reflected successful external assessment for its readiness to participate in protocol support for ACTG as well as other networks within the Clinical Trails Unit – Virology Program. The interface among the HIV Research Networks allows the clinical pharmacology laboratory to contribute drug assays, pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamics, drug interactions and pharmacogenomics research to HIV prevention and treatment research protocols in adults, pediatrics, adolescents, pregnant women, as well as to cure, vaccines, and co-infection (e.g., TB, HBV, HPV) protocols.

Virus Expertise